07949 178 558 info@hwma.co.uk

On the 17 September the EA opened its consultation on the assessment and scoring of permit compliance.
​The HWMA has submitted a response to this consultation which closes as midnight today (29 October 2018).

The proposed changes to the approach to assess and score permitted sites aims to be more consistent, clear, and proportionate.

The HWMA agrees with the proposed approach in principle, but has provided feedback on how the guidance is to be applied and in relation to the current level of incentivisation given to those operators considered to be ‘good performers’.
Following the end of the consultation, the EA will produce a consultation response document detailing the responses received.  It will be publishing this document by 31 December 2018.  The EA intends to revise the guidance accordingly and to publish it on or before 1 January 2019, the start of the new compliance year.