07949 178 558 info@hwma.co.uk

Earlier this month, we shared CIWM’s article on the importance of H&S statistics to the waste industry.  Following on from that, the HWMA member company statistics from 2018 have been collated.

Members share their H&S data on a quarterly basis and this is used to identify any common issues or trends across the healthcare and hygiene waste sector.  The CIWM article quoted that, in 2018, some 3.9% of the waste industry workers sustained a workplace injury.  Our statistics show that our membership is performing slightly better than this, at 3.3%.  We had no fatalities, and just 2 RIDDORS in 2018.  The most common incidents were as expected, and related to slips, trips and falls, to road traffic accidents, and to needlestick injuries.  As an association we use this information to guide our H&S focus for the following year.