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HWMA_Clinical Waste AT Validation Testing Guide_v1 Oct 2023

The best practice guide aims to bring together the knowledge from members of the Healthcare Waste Management Association, including the Waste Treatment companies, consultants, microbiologists, and the Laboratories involved in the commissioning, validation, and routine testing for alternative treatment technologies in the UK. Alternative Treatment (AT) is defined in the Environment Agency (EA) guidance document “Healthcare waste, appropriate measure for permitted facilities” and Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA) document “Guidance for the Storage and Treatment of Healthcare Waste”.

It has been written to provide the most reasonably practicable approach to achieve compliance with regulation, based on the commercially available technologies and biological indicators at the time of writing.

This guide aims to help existing and new operators of AT plant, and the regulatory bodies who are responsible for enforcing compliance with the regulations. It also provides information to those looking to bring new technologies into the UK marketplace.